How To Teach Teenagers About Love and Relationships

how to teach teenagers about love and relationships

If there’s one topic that never stops dominating your students’ thoughts, conversations, and social media feeds—it’s love and relationships. But here’s the challenge: Culture bombards students with messages about love that are shallow, selfish, and disconnected from biblical truth. Most students are already forming their views on relationships long before they ever talk to a […]

How to Teach Teenagers About Peer Pressure

how to teach teenagers about peer pressure

Peer pressure isn’t a new problem—it’s been shaping the decisions of teenagers for generations. But in today’s world, it’s louder, more persistent, and harder to escape than ever before. If we want to help students stand firm, we can’t just tell them to “be strong” or “make good choices.” They need something deeper than willpower—they […]

How To Teach Teenagers About Identity In Christ

how to teach teenagers about identity in christ

Teenagers are in a constant battle over who they are. The world is quick to offer answers: But what does God say? As youth pastors, one of the most important things we can teach is that identity is not something we achieve—it’s something we receive in Christ. When students understand that their worth isn’t based […]

How To Teach Teenagers About Spiritual Habits

How to teach teenagers about spiritual habits that last

Let’s be real—teenagers are creatures of habit. They wake up at the last possible second, grab the same snack every day after school, and somehow manage to rewatch the same three shows on Netflix endlessly. But when it comes to spiritual habits, consistency can feel impossible. Most students want to grow in their faith, but […]

The Role Of Apologetics In Youth Ministry

blog post title: the role of apologetics in youth ministry

Do I even need to give the verse? I mean, we get it. 1 Peter 3:15. Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope within you (paraphrased). But sometimes I wonder if apologetics in youth ministry is less about students sharing and and less about them knowing. Sometimes I wonder if incorporating apologetics […]

Youth Ministry Teaching Tips

Before we talk about youth ministry teaching tips, stick with me for a moment: Have you ever seen those annoying YouTube ads? What the ads are selling probably depends on what you’ve been searching on the Internet lately. Whenever I go on a health and fitness kick, I’ll typically start seeing ads for workout programs […]