4 weeks equipping students with a unique perspective on prayer.
Series Summary
When students can allow their freedom in Christ to color the way they navigate prayer, they’ll find gospel centered transformation in that area of life. When you engage God’s world God’s way, you engage with God Himself.
Video Messages Included
Series Gospel Lens: God is present in our world.
Week 1 (1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV)
The Point: Prayer is engagement with God.
Week 2 (Luke 10:25-37 ESV & Matthew 25:34-30 ESV)
The Point: Prayer is accepting God’s invitation into intimacy.
Week 3 (John 1:14-17 ESV)
The Point: Prayer is extending the work of Jesus.
Week 4 (Genesis 28:12-16 NLT)
The Point: Prayer is noticing our encounters with God.